Kitty Wales: drift
April 6 - june 1
Kitty Wales: Drift presents a record of recycled stories of past domestic life. Composed of discarded objects that are altered in the fabricating process, Wales reshapes what we leave behind. This new series of wall works is a collection of theatrical whimsy made specifically for the SPEEDWELL Contemporary gallery space. In the installation Wales references household objects as historical icons, capturing the memories they contain. The crockeries and vessels represent potential utility despite their dented appearance, a credit to the people whose hands held them.
The new series of work included in Drift is partly influenced by the artist’s time spent in the American southwest and Mexico. While visiting Mexico City’s anthropology museum she learned about the miniature painted documents of Mesoamerican codices. “It’s a colorful pictorial language of storytelling within tight frameworks. I loosely borrowed that format of recorded history to inspire these narrative landscapes.”
Along with the wall installations, the exhibition will feature a selection of earlier work by the artist including sculpture, drawings and prints, video, and animatronics. These add to the conversation with this new body of work, including the use of what is left behind through discarded objects and the stories they hold.
Filmed and edited by Melissa Rivard
Kitty Wales received an MFA in Sculpture from the University of Arizona and a BFA in Sculpture and Art Education from Boston University. She has been awarded residencies in Berlin and Kleinsassen Germany, Baku Azerbaijan, and the Isle of Rhum, Scotland
Her work is in the permanent collection of numerous museums including the DeCordova Museum + Sculpture Park, the Duxbury Art Complex Museum, and the Fuller Craft Museum.
Wales was the 2007 first place recipient of the Virginia A. Groot award for Sculpture, and has received grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Coleman Foundation, The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, and the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. She has exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the US as well as in Paris, Berlin Germany, Kunststation Kleinsassen, Germany, and Azerbaijan.
Wales has taught sculpture and drawing at the College and University level including as Assistant Professor and Senior Lecturer in Sculpture at Boston University for over 25 years.
She lives and works in Belfast and Vinalhaven, Maine.